
Hydraulic Gantry Systems Transfer Strategy
Lifting and positioning of equipment by using hydraulic gantries.
The UTE Sepé Tiaraju Thermoelectric Plant is meant to provide power autonomy to RECAP, Alberto Pasqualini Refinery. The complex has adapted their facilities to work with fuel oil, stopping to depend on Bolivian natural gas.
Sepé Tiaraju has been named after the 2.5 centenial of the great native indian Guarani leader's death. The Thermoelectric Plant is operating with technology that decreases CO2 emission and increase efficiency and output.
Transdata performed the lifting and positioning of equipment, based on a boldly engineered rigging plan appling a hydraulic gantry systems transfer strategy which assured overcoming the difficulties resulting from installing the condenser in a tight space, lifting and skidding the turbines and generator onto a ledge 11 metres high.
Site: UTE Sepé Tiaraju, Canoas (RS) |
Cargo Dimensions: |
10.30 x 04.40 x 05.50 meters - 152 tonnes |
08.95 x 03.18 x 04.12 meters - 152 tonnes |
05.96 x 07.36 x 05.20 meters - 112 tonnes |
03.60 x 03.00 x 03.70 meters - 08 tonnes |
Main Equipment: |
1,000-tonne Hydraulic Gantry |
400-tonne Hydraulic Gantry |