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Subestations for the Forth Largest Hydroelectric of the World

Transdata is performing door to door operations to supply the forth largest  hydroelectric plant of the world. Twenty transformers manufactured in the Southeast of the country, in the State of São Paulo and eight transformers manufactured in China and Germany which will enter in the continent through Amazon area, the 28 transformers will travel towards Belo Monte Power Plant’ Substations Estreito and Xingu.

The  operation requires  engineering procedures, overland  haulage, port operations, barge transport , design and construction of a jetty to perform the load in of the cargo in the middle of Xingu river,  unloading and positioning the 28 transformers onto theirs bases, supporting the final installation.

ESTREITO -  Located  in the State of Minas Gerais, the Estreito Substation will receive 14 transformers. Transdata is performing the whole door to door operation of 06 transformers 10.40 x 04.00 x 05.10 meters - 219 tonnes from the factory in Jundiaí , State of São Paulo, it will take  580  quilometers till the Substation.  The other step of the Estreito scope is to carry out port reception, loading, 450 quilometers of overland haulage towards the substation, unloading and final positioning onto bases of 07 transformers 10.70 x 04.80 x 05.10 meters - 332 tonnes and 01 10.40 x 04.00 x 05.10 meters - 219 tonnes sent from Germany and China to Santos Port.

Detailed engineering studies resulte in the feasibility of only way to make the operation of the 14 transformes road transport  through  the Bandeirantes Highway  (SP348) due the total gross weight of the transporter set which could force a high adaptation cost through another route. The company found a way to reduce adaptations, two adaptations will be necessary.

XINGU - Another part of the operation is to deliver 14 transformers to Xingu Substation in Pará, in the Xingu river, close to the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant in Amazon.Transdata is also performing the whole door to door operation of 06 transformers 10.40 x 04.00 x 05.10 meters - 219 tonnes from the factory in Jundiaí , State of São Paulo and the barge transport from Outeiro Port, load in, transport by  SPMT’s,  unloading and final positioning onto bases of 07 transformers 10.70 x 04.80 x 05.10 meters - 332 tonnes and 01 10.40 x 04.00 x 05.10 meters - 219 tonnes sent from Germany and China to Belém in the Amazon area.

A special jetty was designed to reception of the transformers in the Xingu river.  

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