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Soccer with the Children of Belo Monte do Pontal

About 60 children from the local community of Belo Monte do Pontal, in Pará, participated in the soccer championship sponsored by Transdata and organized by its employees at the end of November. It was a joyful day for the children living near the Xingu Substation, where Transdata delivered the 14 transformers that will be part of the Belo Monte Power Plant, the fourth largest hydroelectric power plant in the world.
"We work in all places of the country and we come across several situations, usually the places of construction of large facilities bring us to the very different realities of our cities. Poor communities sensitize us, such as Belo Monte do Pontal. Transdata supported our initiative to make this championship and a small event with the children. No doubt we will be reminded in a positive way. We are very happy to have carried out an operation with quality, met client’s expectations and more as the interaction with these children to see their happiness with a simple gesture "... Jefferson Paula - Engineer

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