Rigging Job of the Year SC&RA Award 2015

The Specialized Carriers and Rigging Association (SC&RA) is an international association of nearly 1,300 member companies from 43 nations. Members are involved in specialized transportation, crane and rigging operations, manufacturing and rental.
The competition is held by the association ever year and it gathers top leading companies from around the world. In this category, Transdata is the winner of the award granted to the best job of rigging. The erection and settlement of two plate mill housings at one of the world’s largest manufacturers of the specialty long steel was the case submitted to the competition.
For this event, Transdata had already performed the specialized transport of the cargo, it was considered to be the largest interstate overland haulage ever in Brazil.
The winning job involved extremely intricate procedures using 1,000 and 500-tonnes hydraulic gantry system to support the installation of the plate mill housings of 14.63 x 05.50 x 02.21 meters weighing 325 metric tons into their bases.
The solution focused on safe execution and cost and time savings. The first time hydraulic gantry systems were used to perform this kind of settlement.
Transdata recognizes that its success is based on the team’s dedication and congratulates everyone of its staff for this achievement. « Back