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Locomotive Transportation - Alcoa - Belém (PA)Publicado em: 24/08/2018

Transdata accomplished another project focused on innovation and engineering solutions with the implementation of the multimodal transport of a 160 tons locomotive to Alcoa’s plant in Juruti (PA). For this operation, Transdata developed the loading and unloading solution through hydraulic gantry with capacity for 500 tons. The road transport of this locomotive began from Hortolândia to the port of Belém on a route of…
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2017 Top Engenharias AwardPublicado em: 15/01/2018

Recognized for its contribution towards the development of Engineering in Brazil, Transdata received the “Prêmio Top de Engenharia 2017 Award”, promoted by the Engineering Memorial center and the Engineers Association of the Engineering School of the Federal University of the State of Minas Gerais,(AEAEE-MG). 

The Companies honored with the Top Engenharia Award are those that supply distinguished engineering services in Brazil,…
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