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2017 SC&RA Conference

Winner of the Rigging Job of the Year 2015, Transdata has presented the Delivery of 14 Transformers in the Amazon Region at the 2017 SC&RA Annual Conference.  

The delivery of the 14 transformers to the Xingu Substation at Anapú in the Amazon Region was featured among the best performances of moving jobs in the world, due to its complexity, which required river transportation and design of a special jetty to access the site, since road transportation was not feasible.

The Xingu Substation transformers are part of the Xingu-Estreito Power Line project, which will have 2100 kilometers of extension and will distribute the electric power generated by the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant to the South and Southeast of Brazil. 

Transdata carried out the overland haulage of the 06 transformers of 10.40 x 04.00 x 05.10 meters – 219 metric tons, which traveled from the factory in Jundiai, State of São Paulo to the Port of Santos for shipping and coastal navigation. In the Port of Outeiro, State of Pará, Transdata received these 06 units plus the transformers which came from Germany (01 of 10.40 x 04.00 x 05.10 meters – 219 metric tons and 07 of 10.70 x 04.80 x 05.10 meters – 332 metric tons), where they were transshipped onto barges for traveling 4 days up in the Xingu river towards a special jetty designed and built specially to perform the load in of the cargo followed by the haulage on SPMT’s to the jobsite. 

Rigging Job of the Year 2015

The winning job involved extremely intricate procedures using 1,000 and 500-tonnes hydraulic gantry systems to support the installation of the plate mill housings of 14.63 x 05.50 x 02.21 meters weighing 325 metric tons into their bases. The solution focused on safe execution, cost, and time saving. Transdata is the first winner from South America.

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